Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Hyper-V Manager Error

This is the second time I've run into this problem, so I figured I better post about it. Perhaps it will help some other tech folk and remind myself.

This is not necessarily specific to Hyper-V, other MMC snap-in's won't open as well. This issue occurs after an update to .net.

Here is the error message:

MMC could not create the snap-in. The snap-in might not have been installed correctly.
Name: Hyper-V Manager
CLSID: FX:{922180d7-b74e-45f6-8c74-4b560cc100a5} <<--or some such number.

Here is the fix:
  1. Remove .net 3.5 from your computer
That was easy.


steve said...

Seriously, thanks for posting this. For no apparent reason, our MMC went haywire, removing and reinstalling 3.5 fixed it.

Unknown said...

How was it easy? Server 2008 R2 the only way to remove .Net 3.5 is to open the Server Manager, which ALSO depends on MMC and can not be opened to uninstall 3.5.